Hey There
I'm so happy that you've found your way to the Seward Nature Journaling (SNJ) site. Welcome! Seward Nature Journaling is a space for us to learn and grow together.
Seward Nature Journaling provides learning opportunities and resources in the practice of nature journaling. Also known as field journaling, this practice encourages participants of all ages to closely observe and record data in ways that will deepen our connection to the natural wonders of our outdoor environments.
You'll find resource links and recommendations for tools-of-the trade.
The SNJ Blog is an intermittent newsletter, shared by email with Seward Nature Journaling members, with updates about upcoming activities and workshops in the Seward area as well as opportunities to deepen skills from others both near and far.
Thank you for joining our growing community of nature journalers. Please consider participating an event or gathering when they are announced.
About Me
Alaska has been home for over 40 years, living and working both here on the Kenai Peninsula and across many of our state's rural regions.
After 25 years, I retired from classroom teaching to find new and exciting educational challenges in Alaska's correctional system, as a statewide teaching mentor, coordinating cultural immersions for new-to-rural Alaska teachers, and in several capacities of independent contracting.
From a childhood steeped in appreciation of and a deep respect for the natural world I often found myself making attempts at capturing a memory of time and place through art. Photographs have always helped to quickly capture a moment, but I wanted a deeper connection and understanding coming from within.
It's only been a few years since learning about this practice of nature journaling. For me, I was listening to a public radio interview with author Obi Kaufmann about his recently published, "The California Field Atlas" (2017, Heydey Books). During the interview, Obi referred to the practice of nature journaling and mentioned John Muir Laws as an excellent resource for learning more. That was it! I was hooked. I've been on a new learning journey and encouraging others to join me ever since.
I'm so happy you're here.

Land Acknowledgement
In gratitude and with respect, I acknowledge that my home office is located on the ancestral land of the Alutiiq Unegkurmiut people and the Qutekcak Native Tribe.
My work takes me to many regions and ancestral lands across the state of Alaska. I honor and respect the people, their cultures, and the land where each of their communities is located.